Travelogues, Wildlife Photographs

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And Then, There Were None!

For epochs to come, the peaks will still pierce the lonely vistas, but when the last Snow Leopard has stalked among the crags and the last markhor has stood on a premontory, his ruff waving in the breeze, a spark of life will have gone, turning the mountains into stones of silence. - George Schaller.

Wildlife doesn't ask us of anything, except that we leave them and their habitat alone. Yet we continue to plunder, depriving them of their space and their lives. The day might not be far, when the last of the birds have stopped chirping, and the last tiger has stalked through our forests, after which, the Human might stand in the pinnacle in lonely splendor, for one brief moment before Armageddon takes over.

In the end we will conserve only what we love.
We love only what we understand.
We will understand only what we are taught.